Let me begin by saying, that over the past month or so, I have had a hard time deciding on a subject to Blog about. There has certainly not been a lack of worthy subjects, but just too many things going on in our Nation to just pick one. So, I decided to talk about the highlights that hit me the most. I hope you enjoy reading.
Let's begin with the appointment of current Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. With all do respect, each President is given the opportunity to nominate Supreme Court justices as positions become available. This President has had 2 such opportunities in less than 2 yrs. Both nominees are in my opinion mistakes and should never be considered for a seat on the highest court in the land. To be fair, Ms. Kagan has a very impressive resume and an academic career that few people can compare to. Behind all of the academic prestige and impressive job titles you will find, some serious concerns and some point of agreement with Ms. Kagan. In 1997 Ms. Kagan supported a ban on late term abortions that was not supported by the Demo-Com party leadership at that time. She also came under fire from the liberals for saying that she agreed with the section battlefield law that talks about indefinite detention without a trial, and she felt it should apply outside of traditional battlefields.Ms. Kagan was quoted saying: "that someone suspected of helping finance Al Qaeda should be subject to battlefield law — indefinite detention without a trial — even if he were captured in a place like the Philippines rather than a physical battle zone".
You could be thinking that maybe she's not that bad after all right? wrong, you see, here is the genius of the Obama machine at work. They have become masters of using smoke and mirrors to try and deceive the American people, this is no different. Obama is taking a person who very few people know anything about with no judicial experience and nominating her to the supreme court. have you asked yourself why? Ms. Kagan's limited political resume looks to be Conservative based on the examples I just gave you right? That's the beauty of it. It's hard for Conservatives to attack her as a liberal because of her record regardless how small it may be. If the GOP makes an attempt to stop her confirmation it will play right into the "party of no" label Obama is trying to place of the GOP. If they don't block her, then Conservatives may become upset at Republicans because they didn't fight back against Obama. I believe MS. Kagan is a liberal at heart and will be an advocate of Obama's agenda. How do I know? Simple, Obama hates Conservatism, he would never have nominated Ms. Kagan if he felt she had a Conservative point of view. Oh, and on a side note. Ms. Kagan sat on the board for none other than British Petroleum (BP) You know, the very same company and industry that Obama has done nothing but verbally destroy for the past few years. It's funny how you don't see that talked about in the media and how it seems to have disappeared from her Wikipedia profile.
Now, I would like to share something with you that has been on my mind as of late.
On the morning of September 11th 2001, our great Nation was viciously attacked. Attacked by a group of hate filled individuals with the sole purpose of murdering thousands of innocent people. It was that day and that moment in time that our Nation changed. Do you remember the shock of that day? Do you remember the sadness and hurt as you watched the smoke rise from the Twin Towers? Do you remember the fear you had for your family and the uncertainty of where they may strike next? The horror of watching people jump from the tower's windows. The numbness, anger and disbelief as the two towers fell. Do you remember the hope you had in your heart that more survivors would be found? you kept telling yourself, maybe more people made it out. You asked how this could be possible on the U.S. soil. Do you remember the sense of pride and Patriotism you had when the American flag was raised over ground zero? The hope we all had when The President of The United States stood on a pile of rubble and inspired the Nation. It was a relief to know The President was in charge and ready to defend America, regardless of who in the World may have disapproved. Do you remember hearing strange words most of us had never heard before like, Jihad, Taliban & extreme Islam. Suddenly names like Bin Laden became a regular topic of conversation. I can tell you for sure, I remember clearly.
Now only 9 yrs later, Obama wants us to forget about it. All in the name political correctness he wants us to forget our American pride. He wants us to forget why we are fighting and what freedom is all about. He wants us to embrace those who hate America and plot to kill us. He wants us to feel ashamed of who we are as a Nation and the privilege we Americans enjoy. Why would The President of The United States want us to forget and feel ashamed? because as we remember the fallen and the heroes, we remember liberty and what it means to be free and how scary it is when freedom is threatened. Don't forget, liberty and freedom are the sworn enemies of Obama's Socialist agenda. Friends, if we forget who we are, we will surrender our freedom. At his core, Obama is ashamed of America and I believe he hates what we stand for. He is a Muslim sympathizer because of his upbringing with His Father and Uncle both being Muslims. He spent 20yrs as member of Jeremiah Wright's church listening to Mr. Wright say things like "God D***" America. He has a core belief that America is an evil empire and it is his job to bring us down to size.
Just look at his actions. He has spent more time visiting Muslim countries than any others. He went on his apologize for America tour. He even allowed The President of foreign country (Mexico) stand in front of the White House and criticize Arizona's right to protect itself, and Obama agreed with him. He has made no attempt to defend America, he has only put America down every chance he gets.
My final point is about Memorial Day. As I raised the flag in my front yard today, I spent a moment to reflect on what Memorial Day was all about. I thought of all the men and women overseas right now in places I have never heard of. I though about men like Pat Tillman who gave up fame,fortune and his life for his country. I remembered my Grandfather who served in WWII, he was a hard working man who personified the American dream and could have cared less about politics. I find it sickening that Obama has decided to not attend the ceremony at Arlington cemetery to take a 3 day weekend. Not only does he apologize for America at every turn, he shows no respect for those who have served and given their life in defense of this great Nation. Obama is a disgrace to the Presidency. Mr. President, I am not ashamed of America, I am ashamed of YOU!!
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