I know it's been a while since my last post. I really appreciate all of the emails and phone calls asking when I was going to post something on this blog. It's nice to know that people support what I'm doing and I thank you for your kindness. The truth is, there have been so many things taking place over their last month I didn't know where to start. Well, this post is what I came up with, so her it goes......
As the Demo-Coms celebrate their so called "victory" after the Health Care vote. We The People are more energized and determined to take our Country back then ever before. I am so proud of my fellow Americans for taking a stand for Freedom, and not backing down from those who are intent on turning America into another oppressive socialist state. The left may have won the battle, but they will lose the war.
War? yes, in a sense. Not a war in the traditional Military sense, but just as important with a lot of the same reasons for fighting and consequences if we lose. Let me explain. This goes far beyond Health Care, the Demo-Coms or even Obama. This is a battle between two ideologies, and I don't necessarily mean Demo-Com vs. Republican. This is about Freedom vs. Government Oppression. Health Care is only a small piece of the liberal agenda. Ask yourself this question, Why have we gone to war in the past? There are a lot reasons, but you will find at the heart of every Military engagement the United States has participated in, there will be two principal causes, Freedom and Liberty. Whether it has been to defend our own Freedom, or deliver millions from oppressive regimes in countries all around the World, America has been on the front lines every single time.Why? because it is in our DNA as Americans, it is what defines us. This current battle is for our Freedom, our rights granted to us under the Constitution and to preserve our Country and all that is great about it. This is about who we are as a Nation, and what makes us the shining light of hope in the World. President Reagan said is best when he said; "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." This applies today more than ever. Although we are not fighting a Military war, we are still fighting for Freedom and the preservation of the American way of life.
This has obviously become very unsettling to some people as of late. The libs and their comrades in the media have now begun to attack American citizens for exercising their Right to free speech. The most recent campaign of lies by the left has targeted the Tea Party movement and is trying to portray them as violent, racist, sexist and a long list of ridiculous and baseless accusations. They say that what the Tea Party is doing can stir up anger, hate and anti Government movements, they have even compared Members to Timothy Mc Veigh and called them un American. My favorite part is that the libs are calling groups like the Tea "extremists" But Obama issued an order banning certain terms used to refer to Terrorist because we may offend them. So let me get this straight,It's ok to attack American citizens who are peacefully protesting government policies, but we must treat the Terrorist who are plotting to kill us with respect? How ridiculous is that? I just have one question for Obama, Clinton & the rest of the liberal propaganda machine. Where are the examples of violent behavior by the Tea Party? Let me help them with the answer, There are no examples. Mr. President, The Tea Party is not anti government, they are pro freedom! This is nothing but another attempt by the left to distort the truth and divert the attention away from the left wing hijacking of our Nation. Remember, it's not Tea Party members that have been convicted of voter fraud & intimidation like the liberal funded liberal group ACORN.
I never thought I would see the day when terrorist take priority and are treated in higher regard than American citizens. I guess that's the "Change We Can Believe In" right?
What the left doesn't realize, is they are actually helping us with these smear campaigns. Here's how, Liberals always let us know when and where we are being effective against them. When they feel threatened by anyone or any group, they mobilize the propaganda machine and begin attacking all those whom they fear and those who speak truth. Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, The Tea Party, just to name a few. The good news is, that the American people can see right through the smoke and mirrors that the libs are using to confuse and distort.
So with Obama's poll numbers down and almost every Demo-Com fighting for their job in November. The Demo-Coms are in panic mode and are pulling out all the tricks. They are playing to the environmentalist with the cap and tax bill, playing to the Hispanics by opposing the enforcement of our immigrations laws in Arizona, demonizing corporations like Goldman/Sachs despite the fact they gave Obama's Presidential campaign almost 1 Million dollars. They are trying to divide the Country on every front possible. The Dems are desperate, they know that the American people have rejected them and liberalism. Obama was supposed to be the great liberal Messiah, all he has turned out to be is the great liberal mess.
My friends, keep up the good work, but remember this is far from over. We have a long road ahead to 2012. This is our time to fight for freedom, so that our children can experience the same liberties that we have enjoyed. We cannot and will not be the generation that lets freedom become extinct. Thank you for reading and God Bless.
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