Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The State Of Obama

Tonight is the very first state of the union address by President Obama since being elected. Considering the disaster his first year has been, it should be interesting to see what "The Great Hope" has to say. Some people in the media are predicting that he will use tonight's speech to move towards the center and away from his far left way of governing. That very well could be true. However, there is nothing in his past that would lead us to beleive that he would. Every policy, group,inititive or affiliation he has ever beena part of has been extreme and Liberal. We can look at groups like planned parent hood or his association with Rev. Wright & Bill Ayers. All left wing extermeists. The ironic this is, as we see many member of the Democrat party move away from Obama you can't help but ask. Is he too radical even for the radicals? My prediction is that he will come out tonight talking about moderate policies and give the appearance to be moving to the center. But like everything else he has said, it will amount to only words and a bunch of hot air. For the sake of this country I hope I'm wrong.

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