Sunday, December 26, 2010

Join me in the New Year on Facebook

Hello Friends,

As we say goodbye to 2010 and welcome a New Year. The challenges we face as a Nation unfortunately do not end on December 31st. For many of us, the New Year brings the hope of a new start and the promise of a better day. There is nothing that can bring hope and promise the way Freedom can. It is our duty as Americans to fight for our Nation and preserve it for the next generation. Ronald Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same” I invite you to join me in the New Year as we stand for Freedom together. Click “Like” on our Facebook page and please invite your friends to join. Together we will take back our Country. Thank you for your support…


Friday, July 2, 2010

Independence Day

On the eve of July 4th weekend, I thought it would be appropriate that the subject of this Blog post should be about Independence. Of course there is no better place to start than the document that serves as the blue print of our Nation, The Declaration of Independence.

One of the most famous sections of the Declaration reads: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". The problem is, we too seldom hear the words that immediately follow this famous section. The words read: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly"

Let's look at this through the context of today.

1. "All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator"

From the very beginning of our Nation, the acknowledgement of God and the right to honor him without the interference of Government, is one of the main reasons our Country even exists. Our Founders felt this would be accomplished by forming a Nation that stood on Christian principals. That's what the separation of church and state is about, not the twisted interpretation that we see these days. I never thought I would see the day when The President of The United States would stand in front of the World and proclaim that "we are not a Christian Nation" Obama will not even recognize the National day of prayer. I know that there has been a coordinated effort by the left to remove God from every aspect of our lives, because Christian principals are the complete opposite and stand in the way of advancing the liberal agenda. We live in a very twisted time when all that is good becomes wrong, and all that is wrong is now acceptable. This is a very dangerous road we are on and we better wake up fast.

2. "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

There has never been an Administration, or Congress that has had such disregard for the will of the people the way Obama and the rest of the Demo-Com party have. Just look at the Health Care disaster. There was a clear disregard for the overwhelming majority opposing the bill. How about the Cap & Trade bill, Obama's handling of National Security, The rights given to terrorists, the out of control spending. The fact is, that Obama doesn't care about the will or consent of the people, he only cares about advancing his left wing socialist agenda. That's what Obama's administration has always been about, it's never been about recovery or strengthening America. When he campaigned on a platform of "Change" he absolutely meant it.

3. "Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government"

Of course I am not calling for the abolishment of our Government; I am however calling for the abandonment of its current direction. If we continue on the path that Obama and the Demo-Com party are leading us down, we will find ourselves in an irreversible position that will reshape America. There is no doubt that our Government under the polices of the Obama administration has become destructive, therefore we must exercise our right to alter it beginning this November.

My friends, this is our moment to take a stand for freedom, this is the moment to take a stand for our children and future generations. Will you stand? will you fight? Never before has our liberty, our constitution and the very identity of America been under attack like it is today. Never before have we been faced with the possibility of losing America and becoming no different than any other country. We are an exceptional people that are blessed to live in an exceptional Nation.

I believe that the battle we are currently fighting, is America's second war of Independence. In the same way our ancestors stood up against an oppressive Government and declared Independence, so must we stand against all those who threaten our liberty. I cannot help but to have a certain degree of anxiety when I look to the future of our great Nation because of what is at risk. I pray that Americans from all over this land will continue to join together and with one voice say; This will not be the generation that allows freedom and liberty to die. Only by the grace of almighty God and the determination of this Nation shall we win this second war of Independence. I encourage my fellow Americans to raise the stars and stripes this 4th of July as a sign of unity for the cause of freedom. Mr. President, you campaigned as someone who would unite America, although not the way you anticipated, you have succeeded.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Difference

My family and I have just returned from an incredible vacation in the Dominican Republic, where we spent time relaxing on the beautiful beaches of Punta Cana. As I soaked up some Sun and Dominican culture, I couldn't help but feel certain sense of pride every time someone asked me where I was from, it was a great feeling to say: The United Stated of America. One of the first things that I noticed during our stay was the rate of currency exchange, it was somewhere around 35 Dominican for each American dollar, but that wasn't the interesting part. The thing I found most interesting was the people in that Country preferred American dollars over their own Dominican currency. It was a great sense of pride to know that my Country's currency was so sought after even beyond our borders.

The second thing I noticed, was the outstanding level of customer service each resort employee provided and the pride they took in their job. This was true with everyone, waiters, janitors, cooks, landscapers, it didn't matter what position the was person held. I began to wonder why these people were so dedicated, and what the driving force was. I started asking questions to see if I could find out what the secret to success was at this resort and what the difference was. I found out a couple of things:

1. Almost every employee I spoke to said they were grateful to God for providing them with a good job. I know you Liberals who are reading this are probably angered just by the mention of God, but these people have the sense to recognize the Divine hand of God at work and give him thanks for his provisions. This is a lesson that we can all learn from.

2. The level of service they provided was so great, that I initially thought that it must be the compensation, however, this vacation was thousands less than comparable accommodations here in the U.S. Based on that, I wondered how much they could be paying their employees to keep them so engaged. I was surprised to find that the average monthly wage was between $400-$500 American dollars, I also found they depend greatly on tips to supplement their income. This is a very smart strategy on the part of the resort, it's essentially an incentive based pay structure, that is a great way to ensure great service. Furthermore, they work 12-14hr days and only receive 4 days off per Month. Despite all of this, they do their absolute best to serve the customer, because they take pride in what they do, and of course their tip and ultimately their income depend on it.

I know that this would be a great opportunity for Obama and other like minded liberals to apologize for America and our success. Needless to say, I didn't do that.

As I processed all of this in my head, I realized what the difference was, it was the lack of the Liberalism. For starters, the fact that these people honor God through their work is amazing. The Liberals have been on an anti-God campaign for years, and We have allowed them to remove God from from a large portion of our society, all for the sake of being politically correct. Despite what Obama and the libs say or do, our Nation's Founders built this Country on Christian principals. We would be wise take a lesson from our Founding Fathers and the Dominican people and allow God to be a bigger part of our society once again. I guarantee we would have a happier, less stressed and better work force.

The other thing that made the difference was, the lack of the entitlement attitude. The Liberals and their Union allies have brain washed Americans into believing that we are entitled to high wages, free health care, retirement benefits and the list goes on. Instead of being thankful for being employed, we seem to think that the employer should be thankful to us just for showing up, we place place no value in the quality of work. Just look at GM, they haven't built a decent car for decades, and despite the lack of quality, the Unions forced GM to pay higher wages, better benefits and better retirement plans, of course we see how that worked out. What ever happened getting paid based on what you do and how well you do it? This is one of the main problems with Liberalism, the Liberal/Socialist way of Government creates so many entitlement programs, that it provides no incentive to better yourself.Ronald Reagan had this to say about Government entitlements " We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added" America was founded upon the notion that the people have the ability to govern, provide for themselves and pursue dreams wherever they may lead. That's the difference between Obama's Socialist agenda and freedom.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Highlights

Let me begin by saying, that over the past month or so, I have had a hard time deciding on a subject to Blog about. There has certainly not been a lack of worthy subjects, but just too many things going on in our Nation to just pick one. So, I decided to talk about the highlights that hit me the most. I hope you enjoy reading.

Let's begin with the appointment of current Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. With all do respect, each President is given the opportunity to nominate Supreme Court justices as positions become available. This President has had 2 such opportunities in less than 2 yrs. Both nominees are in my opinion mistakes and should never be considered for a seat on the highest court in the land. To be fair, Ms. Kagan has a very impressive resume and an academic career that few people can compare to. Behind all of the academic prestige and impressive job titles you will find, some serious concerns and some point of agreement with Ms. Kagan. In 1997 Ms. Kagan supported a ban on late term abortions that was not supported by the Demo-Com party leadership at that time. She also came under fire from the liberals for saying that she agreed with the section battlefield law that talks about indefinite detention without a trial, and she felt it should apply outside of traditional battlefields.Ms. Kagan was quoted saying: "that someone suspected of helping finance Al Qaeda should be subject to battlefield law — indefinite detention without a trial — even if he were captured in a place like the Philippines rather than a physical battle zone".

You could be thinking that maybe she's not that bad after all right? wrong, you see, here is the genius of the Obama machine at work. They have become masters of using smoke and mirrors to try and deceive the American people, this is no different. Obama is taking a person who very few people know anything about with no judicial experience and nominating her to the supreme court. have you asked yourself why? Ms. Kagan's limited political resume looks to be Conservative based on the examples I just gave you right? That's the beauty of it. It's hard for Conservatives to attack her as a liberal because of her record regardless how small it may be. If the GOP makes an attempt to stop her confirmation it will play right into the "party of no" label Obama is trying to place of the GOP. If they don't block her, then Conservatives may become upset at Republicans because they didn't fight back against Obama. I believe MS. Kagan is a liberal at heart and will be an advocate of Obama's agenda. How do I know? Simple, Obama hates Conservatism, he would never have nominated Ms. Kagan if he felt she had a Conservative point of view. Oh, and on a side note. Ms. Kagan sat on the board for none other than British Petroleum (BP) You know, the very same company and industry that Obama has done nothing but verbally destroy for the past few years. It's funny how you don't see that talked about in the media and how it seems to have disappeared from her Wikipedia profile.

Now, I would like to share something with you that has been on my mind as of late.

On the morning of September 11th 2001, our great Nation was viciously attacked. Attacked by a group of hate filled individuals with the sole purpose of murdering thousands of innocent people. It was that day and that moment in time that our Nation changed. Do you remember the shock of that day? Do you remember the sadness and hurt as you watched the smoke rise from the Twin Towers? Do you remember the fear you had for your family and the uncertainty of where they may strike next? The horror of watching people jump from the tower's windows. The numbness, anger and disbelief as the two towers fell. Do you remember the hope you had in your heart that more survivors would be found? you kept telling yourself, maybe more people made it out. You asked how this could be possible on the U.S. soil. Do you remember the sense of pride and Patriotism you had when the American flag was raised over ground zero? The hope we all had when The President of The United States stood on a pile of rubble and inspired the Nation. It was a relief to know The President was in charge and ready to defend America, regardless of who in the World may have disapproved. Do you remember hearing strange words most of us had never heard before like, Jihad, Taliban & extreme Islam. Suddenly names like Bin Laden became a regular topic of conversation. I can tell you for sure, I remember clearly.

Now only 9 yrs later, Obama wants us to forget about it. All in the name political correctness he wants us to forget our American pride. He wants us to forget why we are fighting and what freedom is all about. He wants us to embrace those who hate America and plot to kill us. He wants us to feel ashamed of who we are as a Nation and the privilege we Americans enjoy. Why would The President of The United States want us to forget and feel ashamed? because as we remember the fallen and the heroes, we remember liberty and what it means to be free and how scary it is when freedom is threatened. Don't forget, liberty and freedom are the sworn enemies of Obama's Socialist agenda. Friends, if we forget who we are, we will surrender our freedom. At his core, Obama is ashamed of America and I believe he hates what we stand for. He is a Muslim sympathizer because of his upbringing with His Father and Uncle both being Muslims. He spent 20yrs as member of Jeremiah Wright's church listening to Mr. Wright say things like "God D***" America. He has a core belief that America is an evil empire and it is his job to bring us down to size.

Just look at his actions. He has spent more time visiting Muslim countries than any others. He went on his apologize for America tour. He even allowed The President of foreign country (Mexico) stand in front of the White House and criticize Arizona's right to protect itself, and Obama agreed with him. He has made no attempt to defend America, he has only put America down every chance he gets.

My final point is about Memorial Day. As I raised the flag in my front yard today, I spent a moment to reflect on what Memorial Day was all about. I thought of all the men and women overseas right now in places I have never heard of. I though about men like Pat Tillman who gave up fame,fortune and his life for his country. I remembered my Grandfather who served in WWII, he was a hard working man who personified the American dream and could have cared less about politics. I find it sickening that Obama has decided to not attend the ceremony at Arlington cemetery to take a 3 day weekend. Not only does he apologize for America at every turn, he shows no respect for those who have served and given their life in defense of this great Nation. Obama is a disgrace to the Presidency. Mr. President, I am not ashamed of America, I am ashamed of YOU!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Dems Desperation

I know it's been a while since my last post. I really appreciate all of the emails and phone calls asking when I was going to post something on this blog. It's nice to know that people support what I'm doing and I thank you for your kindness. The truth is, there have been so many things taking place over their last month I didn't know where to start. Well, this post is what I came up with, so her it goes......

As the Demo-Coms celebrate their so called "victory" after the Health Care vote. We The People are more energized and determined to take our Country back then ever before. I am so proud of my fellow Americans for taking a stand for Freedom, and not backing down from those who are intent on turning America into another oppressive socialist state. The left may have won the battle, but they will lose the war.

War? yes, in a sense. Not a war in the traditional Military sense, but just as important with a lot of the same reasons for fighting and consequences if we lose. Let me explain. This goes far beyond Health Care, the Demo-Coms or even Obama. This is a battle between two ideologies, and I don't necessarily mean Demo-Com vs. Republican. This is about Freedom vs. Government Oppression. Health Care is only a small piece of the liberal agenda. Ask yourself this question, Why have we gone to war in the past? There are a lot reasons, but you will find at the heart of every Military engagement the United States has participated in, there will be two principal causes, Freedom and Liberty. Whether it has been to defend our own Freedom, or deliver millions from oppressive regimes in countries all around the World, America has been on the front lines every single time.Why? because it is in our DNA as Americans, it is what defines us. This current battle is for our Freedom, our rights granted to us under the Constitution and to preserve our Country and all that is great about it. This is about who we are as a Nation, and what makes us the shining light of hope in the World. President Reagan said is best when he said; "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." This applies today more than ever. Although we are not fighting a Military war, we are still fighting for Freedom and the preservation of the American way of life.

This has obviously become very unsettling to some people as of late. The libs and their comrades in the media have now begun to attack American citizens for exercising their Right to free speech. The most recent campaign of lies by the left has targeted the Tea Party movement and is trying to portray them as violent, racist, sexist and a long list of ridiculous and baseless accusations. They say that what the Tea Party is doing can stir up anger, hate and anti Government movements, they have even compared Members to Timothy Mc Veigh and called them un American. My favorite part is that the libs are calling groups like the Tea "extremists" But Obama issued an order banning certain terms used to refer to Terrorist because we may offend them. So let me get this straight,It's ok to attack American citizens who are peacefully protesting government policies, but we must treat the Terrorist who are plotting to kill us with respect? How ridiculous is that? I just have one question for Obama, Clinton & the rest of the liberal propaganda machine. Where are the examples of violent behavior by the Tea Party? Let me help them with the answer, There are no examples. Mr. President, The Tea Party is not anti government, they are pro freedom! This is nothing but another attempt by the left to distort the truth and divert the attention away from the left wing hijacking of our Nation. Remember, it's not Tea Party members that have been convicted of voter fraud & intimidation like the liberal funded liberal group ACORN.
I never thought I would see the day when terrorist take priority and are treated in higher regard than American citizens. I guess that's the "Change We Can Believe In" right?

What the left doesn't realize, is they are actually helping us with these smear campaigns. Here's how, Liberals always let us know when and where we are being effective against them. When they feel threatened by anyone or any group, they mobilize the propaganda machine and begin attacking all those whom they fear and those who speak truth. Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, The Tea Party, just to name a few. The good news is, that the American people can see right through the smoke and mirrors that the libs are using to confuse and distort.

So with Obama's poll numbers down and almost every Demo-Com fighting for their job in November. The Demo-Coms are in panic mode and are pulling out all the tricks. They are playing to the environmentalist with the cap and tax bill, playing to the Hispanics by opposing the enforcement of our immigrations laws in Arizona, demonizing corporations like Goldman/Sachs despite the fact they gave Obama's Presidential campaign almost 1 Million dollars. They are trying to divide the Country on every front possible. The Dems are desperate, they know that the American people have rejected them and liberalism. Obama was supposed to be the great liberal Messiah, all he has turned out to be is the great liberal mess.

My friends, keep up the good work, but remember this is far from over. We have a long road ahead to 2012. This is our time to fight for freedom, so that our children can experience the same liberties that we have enjoyed. We cannot and will not be the generation that lets freedom become extinct. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What Now?

Hello Friends,

Tonight is a very sad moment in the history our great Nation. We all watched the sickening display of disregard for the will of the people by our Government. For the first time in our 200 year history our Constitution was spit on and ignored by the very people who are supposed to uphold and protect it. The President of The United States stood in front of the American people and had the audacity to say; that the vote tonight shows that the Government works for the people. He applauded, condoned and endorsed the way this Congress has trampled on freedom and liberty.

Friends, I write this to you not in a spirit of defeat, but in resolve and confidence. The spirit of America that is grounded in freedom and liberty is alive and well in these GREAT! United States. This can be seen everywhere you look, the people of this great Nation are rising up to let their voices be heard. From the thousands who marched on Washington DC today to those who phoned their elected officials to oppose this Health Care bill. We have not seen a passion and pride for America like we are seeing now in decades. This is not the moment to lose hope and give up on our ideals. This is the time to unite as one people and fight back against this strong armed socialist, left wing agenda being forced upon us. It is time for us to be the generation that turns the tide.

Throughout our history, we have confronted all those who have threatened our freedom and liberty even beyond our borders. However, this threat is not from a foreign enemy, but is coming from within our borders and lead by our own Government. Once again we must stand tall against anyone that aims to impose their will and take away our rights. How do we do this?

1. Exercise our right to free speech to speak out against Obama and the Democrats.Get the message out. Tell you friends and family why this is so important.

2. Get involved. Find out who the Conservative candidates are running for Local, State & Federal positions. Go out and support them!

3. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Despite what Obama, Pelosi and Reid do in Washington. We still have the final say. It is our vote that can change the direction of our country. If you want Real "Change You Can Believe In" Go to the ballot box on November 2ND and fire Nancy Pelosi and all of her Socialist friends.

The passage of this Health Care bill is not the end, but only the beginning of our fight.
Our Nation has faced and overcome many challenged in the past and this will be no different. We will win this fight together. Thank you for reading and may God Bless you all.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Obama's Last Stand

Welcome back readers, this is my first blog post in over a month, so I will try to make it a good one. As the nation watches this health care debate unfold, the anger and outright disgust only deepens with every press conference, speech, summit or underhanded tactic by the left. Virtually every poll shows that the large majority of Americans oppose this takeover of our health care system. We have almost 10% unemployment and clearly jobs are the nation’s main concern. So you may ask why Obama Pelosi and Reid continue to push this disaster of a bill on our nation.
In this post, I will give you the top five reasons why the Libs are so determined to ram this down the throats of the American people at all cost.

1. They Know Better: First, you have to look at it from the Liberal point of view. The Liberals consider themselves to be an elite group, that does not have to answer to anyone or even abide by the same standards they hold everyone else to. In their mind, they know how to better lead your life than you do. This includes how to spend your money and what type of health care you receive. Let's not forget the mandate in this bill forcing you to buy health coverage or face jail time, yes that's right jail time. I guess to hell with the constitution right, They know better remember?

2. Follow The Money: The Libs love to point fingers at Conservatives and the Republican Party for playing to special interests. Let's be honest, this is the worst case of the pot calling the kettle black in history. Just to get this far in the process, Obama had to bribe members of his own party just to get their vote. But wait, it gets worse! Obama excluded Unions from paying certain health care taxes that everyone else in America would be required to pay. I don’t think it's a coincidence that they were the same unions that supported him when he ran for President. Of course he has to take care of those that gave him all that campaign money right? Speaking of money, let's look at some statements made by Obama, he said that he would not sign a bill that would add to the deficit. He also said taxing the rich would pay for his plan. WRONG and WRONG. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) under the proposed plan, we would have to pay 14 years worth of taxes to pay for 10 years of Government run health care. That basically means that the program is bankrupt before it even exists. Something is wrong here.

3. They Hate Capitalism: As we all know, one of the staples of a Communist / Socialist way of thinking is, that Government should control everything and there should be no such thing as a free market or Capitalism. The free market system has made America the richest nation in the world, this has long been a thorn in the side of Socialist thinkers. They have been plotting ways to destroy the way America does business for years. Now that they have one of their own in The White House, they actually have an opportunity to deal a blow to Capitalism. The health care industry represents 1/6 of our nation’s economy; taking over such a large section of our economy would be one step closer to a victory in their eyes. The ironic thing is, these Socialist like to use China as the example of a prosperous Socialist nation. There is just one problem with that. China is the biggest holder of American debt. This means, that China is only prosperous because they have decided to "Capitalize" on the opportunity to invest in America. China is making Billions each year in interest paid on our debt. It sounds to me like Capitalism is working out pretty well for the Socialist Chinese.

4. What's There To Lose?: It was less than 4 short years ago that a jubilant Nancy Pelosi stood in front of the Nation and said "The Democrats Are Back" symbolizing the first time in 12 years the Democratic party held the majority. It was less than 2 year ago that the Dems gained a super majority and The White House. Despite all of that, they still can’t get this bill through. Now here we are in 2010 and the American people are ready to march on Washington and remove Pelosi from office. Obama and the Democrats have made Americans so angry with their clear disregard for public will, that regardless of the outcome of this health care bill there will be an election massacre in November. I predict they will lose majority in both the house and the Senate. So why not go for broke? They are going to lose big time anyway, and they would have at least accomplished there goal of socialized medicine in America. They would be martyrs for the Socialist cause, what an honor.

5. It's All Obama Has: With his support at an all time low and falling, Obama has to face the reality that the American people have rejected him and his far left policies. In 14 months he has tripled the National debt, weakened our Nation's security, lost 4 Million jobs, lost the trust of the voters and practically destroyed his own party. That's the short list. Obama knows that in November when the Dems lose power he will have no possibility of passing any portion of his far left agenda. I believe if they pass this bill, we will see an uprising not seen in this country since the Revolutionary war. If Obama doesn't act now, it's over. He will be a lame duck President for his last 2 years in office. He will be a 1 term Presidential failure. Obama's ego can't let that happen.

So Obama goes out and tells lies to the American people such as, "federal funds will not pay for abortions". I know this administration doesn't like reading bills before we pass them but, maybe he should read this one. Because it's clearly in the bill that abortion is a part of the federal plan. Not to mention that during a speech to Planned Parenthood in 2007, Candidate Obama said "We will set up a public plan that includes reproductive services" Again, Obama shows his true agenda despite what he tells America. I could go on for hours with examples of one Obama lie after another. Don't get me wrong, I want people to have access to quality affordable health care but, a Government run program is not the answer. Here is the bottom line. If they pass this bill, our country forever be changed for the worse. It's these kind of entitlement programs that not only run the risk of bankrupting our nation but, continue to erode the self reliant go getter attitude that makes our country great. I encourage all of my fellow Americans to stand firm on this issue. Keep fighting, keep spreading the word and exercise your right to free speech. America is the last stronghold for freedom in this world and must be preserved. So as Obama takes his last stand for Socialism, we must stand against him in the name freedom.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Avatar a left wing agenda?

Last night I took my lovely bride on a dinner and movie date to celebrate Valentine’s Day early. We decided to see what the big fuss was about this Avatar movie. Let me first say that it was a very interesting & well written movie that had special effects like I have never seen. I certainly did enjoy that aspect despite my distaste for Sci-Fi flicks. As I watched this film, I couldn’t help but notice the political and very clear Liberal theme that seemed to be an undertone for the entire movie. I know you’re probably thinking that I’m crazy, but let me explain. Before you can understand the very subtle message, you must first see the world through the eyes of a Liberal.

First, to be a Liberal you have to view America as an evil, selfish, super power that wants nothing more than to take advantage of others, especially those who are weaker. Second, you have to view Corporations as a pure evil and an enemies to the environment with the only goal to rob the Earth of it’s natural resources and pollute all in the name of profit. Third, science is gospel; there is no great creator & no God. The Earth, trees, air and animals are all a part of some ecosystem that man is solely responsible for destroying. I could go on all day about the Liberal’s flawed and twisted way of thinking but I won’t. Let’s get on with the movie.

Let’s begin with why we were on the planet Pandora in the first place. In the movie they say, that we have depleted Earth of all natural resources and the Earth is dying. So we decide to go to war with the people of Pandora so that we can now rob their planet of resources. Of course, it’s the United States military that is attacking the innocent defenseless people of Pandora. For years the Liberals have tried to depict the US military as monsters that attack those who are weak. Remember during Vietnam? Our brave soldiers returned home to protests and chants calling them baby killers, it’s the same old song and dance. The main thing we are after on planet Pandora is some kind of rock. I don’t remember the name but, it’s found underground in the forest and we are bulldozing the trees to be able to dig them up. Do you see the hidden message so far? We have the evil American empire destroying the forest and killing innocent people to deplete natural resources. You can relate this rock to what oil is today. Sound familiar? Wait, it gets better. The person in charge of this operation is none other than a corporate executive of a company that sells these rocks for a huge profit. Hmmmm….. Here we are again painting corporations as an enemy of the environment that only wants to make money regardless of who it hurts in the process. The best part is: the people of Pandora are tribal people. Their belief system, language and culture are almost identical to the American Indians. They even have a war cry and face paint that looks like an American Indian warrior. I also noticed how the producers slipped American Indian tribal music in the background as they were preparing to face the evil force that was “taking their land” The story of the American Indians and how the US stole their land, raped and pillaged is the oldest example of how the left tries to show just how evil America is.

I was amazed how much this movie had such a left wing agenda. The only thing it was missing was, somehow blaming George W. Bush for the turmoil depicted in the movie. Oh, and to have Obama descend from the heavens as the great savior of all and walk on water. Well, maybe that’s a little extreme. The media and Hollywood have had a left wing propaganda campaign going on for years. The key to getting the liberal message across is not hitting you in the face with it. It’s a slow, subtle, piece by piece brain washing. They hide behind causes like the environment, global warming, the peace movement and many other feel good causes that look like so great on the outside. But my friends, let me assure you, these people are nothing but wolfs in sheep’s clothing. They have a very evil and destructive agenda that can be the downfall of America if we let it take hold. Our only way to combat them is: to educate ourselves, recognize their methods of deception and take a stand.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Missed Opportunity By Both Parties

Where do I begin with last night's State of The Union Address? There were so many moments that made me shake my head and ask myself, is the President of The United States really saying that?

Let's start with the fact that Obama actually took time out of this important and historic event, to blame the previous administration for the problems of today. How UN-Presidential and just plain immature. Not to mention the fact that the numbers he gave on the deficit when he took office were wrong and exaggerated. Obama and his party have been in the driver's seat for a whole year, when is he going to start being President? because if you listen to him, it would seem that George Bush is still in charge of the country.

Let's move onto Health Care. Mr.Obama actually said that he hasn't explained Health Care well enough for the American people and that's why it's being rejected. So all of those town hall meetings, press conferences and not to mention the address he made to both houses wasn't enough? Mr. President, the American people are rejecting it because we don't want it! it's too big, too expensive and it gives too much power to the Government over our lives.

Then Mr. Obama brought up the issue of "ear marks" and said he urged Congress continue on the road of ear mark reform. That's funny considering that it was Obama and his party that passed a $787B non stimulus/stimulus bill that contained a whopping 8,000 ear marks. It is Obama and his party that are cramming an unwanted Health Care bill down our throats that is full of kick backs, payoffs, bribes and ear marks that could bankrupt our nation. I guess he thinks by digging up an old campaign speech that the country will somehow forget what has been taking place over that past year.

He also spoke out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand, he criticized Bush for his tax cut that included a drop in the capital gains tax to %15, then Obama turns around and proposes to eliminate it. He said we need a spending freeze, then proposes another stimulus bill that could cost $115B. So which is it? tax cuts are bad, or only when Republicans propose them? Are we going to freeze spending, or are we spending more? which is it? Just like I predicted yesterday, it was another radical left wing speech that sounds pretty but has very ugly consequences.

If he was still running for President, he would sound like a convincing candidate that could really "Change" things. But he's not running, he is the President and it's about time he act like one. The American people demand and deserve more than just campaign promises and pretty speeches, we demand and deserve results.

It just amazed me how he tried to separate himself from everything as if he had nothing to do with the events that took place since last January. Obama is an ego maniac and really sees himself as some great savior. He is still pushing an agenda that is dangerous and reckless. I was hoping that I would be wrong about him and that he was going to show some humility. Instead, he shifted blame and continued his liberal agenda despite the will of the people. I could go on and on but the bottom line is. He had the opportunity to "Change" direction and listen to what the American people are saying. He had the opportunity to start a course that would help this country begin economic recovery. He had the opportunity to do what so few President's have had the chance to do. HE MISSED IT!

Now onto the Republican response. What was that? The Republicans had a chance to call Obama out on his deception and failed polices. They had a chance to show the nation why they are the better choice for America. They had a chance to lay out a clear vision and give new ideas to get this economy moving again. Instead, they had a lack luster, feel good, don't want to be too confrontational speech that would make most people fall asleep. Did we not learn anything from McCain's defeat in 08 or the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts? The Conservative message works! it makes sense, it resonates with people and it has a proven record of job growth, Strong economy, strong national defense and a good moral foundation. If we are going to take this country back, we need to start giving the American people a choice. Last night was the Republican's opportunity and THEY MISSED IT!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The State Of Obama

Tonight is the very first state of the union address by President Obama since being elected. Considering the disaster his first year has been, it should be interesting to see what "The Great Hope" has to say. Some people in the media are predicting that he will use tonight's speech to move towards the center and away from his far left way of governing. That very well could be true. However, there is nothing in his past that would lead us to beleive that he would. Every policy, group,inititive or affiliation he has ever beena part of has been extreme and Liberal. We can look at groups like planned parent hood or his association with Rev. Wright & Bill Ayers. All left wing extermeists. The ironic this is, as we see many member of the Democrat party move away from Obama you can't help but ask. Is he too radical even for the radicals? My prediction is that he will come out tonight talking about moderate policies and give the appearance to be moving to the center. But like everything else he has said, it will amount to only words and a bunch of hot air. For the sake of this country I hope I'm wrong.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Welcome To My New Blog

Let me introduce myself. My name is Larry Little, I am a Conservative, so my opinions are going to be from a Conservative point of view. I believe that the Liberal movement in this country can be the destruction of America. I will use this outlet to voice my opinions and speak out against the Liberal agenda. I invite everyone to comment on my postings no matter what your political views are. I believe in free speech and I love to debate. I hope you enjoy this Blog and I look forward to seeing everyone's posts.