Where do I begin with last night's State of The Union Address? There were so many moments that made me shake my head and ask myself, is the President of The United States really saying that?
Let's start with the fact that Obama actually took time out of this important and historic event, to blame the previous administration for the problems of today. How UN-Presidential and just plain immature. Not to mention the fact that the numbers he gave on the deficit when he took office were wrong and exaggerated. Obama and his party have been in the driver's seat for a whole year, when is he going to start being President? because if you listen to him, it would seem that George Bush is still in charge of the country.
Let's move onto Health Care. Mr.Obama actually said that he hasn't explained Health Care well enough for the American people and that's why it's being rejected. So all of those town hall meetings, press conferences and not to mention the address he made to both houses wasn't enough? Mr. President, the American people are rejecting it because we don't want it! it's too big, too expensive and it gives too much power to the Government over our lives.
Then Mr. Obama brought up the issue of "ear marks" and said he urged Congress continue on the road of ear mark reform. That's funny considering that it was Obama and his party that passed a $787B non stimulus/stimulus bill that contained a whopping 8,000 ear marks. It is Obama and his party that are cramming an unwanted Health Care bill down our throats that is full of kick backs, payoffs, bribes and ear marks that could bankrupt our nation. I guess he thinks by digging up an old campaign speech that the country will somehow forget what has been taking place over that past year.
He also spoke out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand, he criticized Bush for his tax cut that included a drop in the capital gains tax to %15, then Obama turns around and proposes to eliminate it. He said we need a spending freeze, then proposes another stimulus bill that could cost $115B. So which is it? tax cuts are bad, or only when Republicans propose them? Are we going to freeze spending, or are we spending more? which is it? Just like I predicted yesterday, it was another radical left wing speech that sounds pretty but has very ugly consequences.
If he was still running for President, he would sound like a convincing candidate that could really "Change" things. But he's not running, he is the President and it's about time he act like one. The American people demand and deserve more than just campaign promises and pretty speeches, we demand and deserve results.
It just amazed me how he tried to separate himself from everything as if he had nothing to do with the events that took place since last January. Obama is an ego maniac and really sees himself as some great savior. He is still pushing an agenda that is dangerous and reckless. I was hoping that I would be wrong about him and that he was going to show some humility. Instead, he shifted blame and continued his liberal agenda despite the will of the people. I could go on and on but the bottom line is. He had the opportunity to "Change" direction and listen to what the American people are saying. He had the opportunity to start a course that would help this country begin economic recovery. He had the opportunity to do what so few President's have had the chance to do. HE MISSED IT!
Now onto the Republican response. What was that? The Republicans had a chance to call Obama out on his deception and failed polices. They had a chance to show the nation why they are the better choice for America. They had a chance to lay out a clear vision and give new ideas to get this economy moving again. Instead, they had a lack luster, feel good, don't want to be too confrontational speech that would make most people fall asleep. Did we not learn anything from McCain's defeat in 08 or the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts? The Conservative message works! it makes sense, it resonates with people and it has a proven record of job growth, Strong economy, strong national defense and a good moral foundation. If we are going to take this country back, we need to start giving the American people a choice. Last night was the Republican's opportunity and THEY MISSED IT!
Welcome to A "Little" Common Sense In Today's Politics, my name is Larry Little. I am a fiscal, social & Constitutional Conservative. I believe the Liberal movement can & will be the destruction of America, unless we take action to stop it. I will use this blog to speak out against Liberalism. I believe in the Constitution of The United States & feel free speech is one of the most valuable things we have as Americans. I invite everyone to take part in the debate.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The State Of Obama
Tonight is the very first state of the union address by President Obama since being elected. Considering the disaster his first year has been, it should be interesting to see what "The Great Hope" has to say. Some people in the media are predicting that he will use tonight's speech to move towards the center and away from his far left way of governing. That very well could be true. However, there is nothing in his past that would lead us to beleive that he would. Every policy, group,inititive or affiliation he has ever beena part of has been extreme and Liberal. We can look at groups like planned parent hood or his association with Rev. Wright & Bill Ayers. All left wing extermeists. The ironic this is, as we see many member of the Democrat party move away from Obama you can't help but ask. Is he too radical even for the radicals? My prediction is that he will come out tonight talking about moderate policies and give the appearance to be moving to the center. But like everything else he has said, it will amount to only words and a bunch of hot air. For the sake of this country I hope I'm wrong.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Welcome To My New Blog
Let me introduce myself. My name is Larry Little, I am a Conservative, so my opinions are going to be from a Conservative point of view. I believe that the Liberal movement in this country can be the destruction of America. I will use this outlet to voice my opinions and speak out against the Liberal agenda. I invite everyone to comment on my postings no matter what your political views are. I believe in free speech and I love to debate. I hope you enjoy this Blog and I look forward to seeing everyone's posts.
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